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Золотое Одиночество находится на стыке веселых танцевальных мелодий и интеллектуальных форм музыки. Изучив эстетические результаты 20-го века, Eigner и Gerold, достаточно игриво, но все же с уважением, экспериментируют с небрежными битами и кусками из поп-культуры. Их профессиональное чутье в сочетании акустических элементов с электронными звуками позволило создать альбом, который даже после многократного прослушивания, сохраняет свой мерцающий свет на грани между попом и авангардом. Что касается технических стороны, этой свежей эмульсии звуков, дуэту помогал Patrick Pulsinger. Треки были заняты во многих фильмах, среди прочих, канадский режиссер Bruce La Bruce использовал композицию Concrete Leaves за ее меланхоличную составляющую.
Золотое Одиночество дает слушателю крайне современный звуковой опыт, который объединяет страсть и ирония.


Еще одно отличное представление от небезызных всем хорошистам Gorillaz... Стоит отметить, что последнюю композицию этого концерта исполняет Ibrahim Ferrer из Buena Vista Social Club ...
To be sure, Gorillaz mastermind Damon Albarn didn’t anticipate opening the act’s live U.S. debut with an apology. Yet there he was, center stage on the opening night of a six-night stand at Harlem’s storied Apollo Theater, curtain closed, mic in hand, explaining how the world’s most famous virtual band was experiencing problems with its video screens, and as a result would not be using any animation.
A mere drag for most artists, it was a blunder of vaguely massive proportions for Gorillaz. While opening night felt a bit half-delivered, the musical performances shined nevertheless, the full performance of Demon Days was peppered with enough hipster heroes and charm to overcome any technical mishaps.
Playing piano and singing at the back of the stage for all but one song, Albarn buried himself behind a string section, backing vocalists and a full band on a stage that swelled to more than 40 people at times. While Neneh Cherry, De La Soul, Ike Turner, the Happy Mondays’ Shaun Ryder, Roots Manuva and others all reprieved their studio-recorded roles live, it was the Pharcyde’s Bootie Brown and the aw-shucks sweetness of a local kids choir on “Dirty Harry” that brought the grinning crowd to its feet. The odd pairing of the forever mischievous Ryder and leggy hottie Rosie Wilson on “DARE” was massive, and De La Soul’s “Feel Good Inc.” cameo was cool, if corny.
The performance, and especially the songs mentioned above, heated up on night two in Harlem. With the center screen up and operational, things moved at twice the pace. Adult choir performances and Albarn’s solo-piano songs, which teetered on dull the night before, came to life through vivid, supernatural storylines on the overhanging screen—also where a taped performance of MF Doom and moving in-the-studio footage of late Buena Vista Social Club great Ibrahim Ferrer came to life.
A mere drag for most artists, it was a blunder of vaguely massive proportions for Gorillaz. While opening night felt a bit half-delivered, the musical performances shined nevertheless, the full performance of Demon Days was peppered with enough hipster heroes and charm to overcome any technical mishaps.
Playing piano and singing at the back of the stage for all but one song, Albarn buried himself behind a string section, backing vocalists and a full band on a stage that swelled to more than 40 people at times. While Neneh Cherry, De La Soul, Ike Turner, the Happy Mondays’ Shaun Ryder, Roots Manuva and others all reprieved their studio-recorded roles live, it was the Pharcyde’s Bootie Brown and the aw-shucks sweetness of a local kids choir on “Dirty Harry” that brought the grinning crowd to its feet. The odd pairing of the forever mischievous Ryder and leggy hottie Rosie Wilson on “DARE” was massive, and De La Soul’s “Feel Good Inc.” cameo was cool, if corny.
The performance, and especially the songs mentioned above, heated up on night two in Harlem. With the center screen up and operational, things moved at twice the pace. Adult choir performances and Albarn’s solo-piano songs, which teetered on dull the night before, came to life through vivid, supernatural storylines on the overhanging screen—also where a taped performance of MF Doom and moving in-the-studio footage of late Buena Vista Social Club great Ibrahim Ferrer came to life.





Лента комментариев
андрофаги, генетичні людожери. і це доведений науковий факт, не емоції. це є базис. надбудовою до цієї напівзвірячої суті є патологчні брехливість,
AnShot, Вже побачив, що ти потрапив
Кина, потрапив.!
AnShot, Не можу вставити сюди нове запрошення. У нашій групі у фейсбуці є посилання у постах, та де купа обкладинок з альбомами які були залиті у
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