Принципиально не пишущий "студийных" альбомов Соколов хоть разрешает издавать live'ы. Кроме заявленных на облоге Бетховена и Шуберта еще и Рамо с Брамсом.


For their new album, Concerto Köln have tracked down yet another gem of the Baroque era. Their journey takes us to England, to the composer Charles Avison and his arrangements of Domenico Scarlatti’s harpsichord sonatas, which represents a milestone in British music history – beautifully interpreted here by one of the leading ensembles in the field of historical performance practice. Charles Avison is not exactly that what one would call a “popular composer”. He hardly plays any role whatsoever in the musical scene, the Bielefelder Katalog has documented only a handful of performances of his works and he surfaces rather sporadically within the expanse of musicology. It is basically due to historical performance practice that attention is once again being drawn to his works. And indeed: it is worth it!






This captivating new Bach release will become a timeless piece of music which can only come from the outstanding combination of Giuliano Carmignola and Concerto Köln.
Though presenting a traditional piece, Carmignola and Concerto Köln bring new and outstanding colours into this often recorded repertoire, and their temperamental performance introduces a sparkling and thrilling interpretation of Bach’s concertos. Carmignola’s fiery and successful “Vivaldi con moto” will be continued with a more subtle and traditional Bach Concerto recording, a Co-Production between Deutsche Grammophon and Deutschlandfunk.
Carmignola is a unique artist and one of today’s most charismatic and captivating violinists, prompting The Strad to say “Timing is everything, and Carmignola has the timing of Sinatra. Rubato, portamento, pauses, tight-rope showmanship.”
Though presenting a traditional piece, Carmignola and Concerto Köln bring new and outstanding colours into this often recorded repertoire, and their temperamental performance introduces a sparkling and thrilling interpretation of Bach’s concertos. Carmignola’s fiery and successful “Vivaldi con moto” will be continued with a more subtle and traditional Bach Concerto recording, a Co-Production between Deutsche Grammophon and Deutschlandfunk.
Carmignola is a unique artist and one of today’s most charismatic and captivating violinists, prompting The Strad to say “Timing is everything, and Carmignola has the timing of Sinatra. Rubato, portamento, pauses, tight-rope showmanship.”

Пока что этим альбомом, в котором представлены как и его вещи, так и интерпретации известных классических произведений, опять же - турецкий марш в джазовой обработке, клёво.