Xorosho » Хорошая Музыка » Bulgarian Voices - ANGELITE (Feat. HUUN-HUUR-TU & Sergey Starostin & Mikhail Alperin)-1996-Fly Fly My Sadness(Jaro) / folk,bulgarian,russian,tuvian
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Bulgarian Voices - ANGELITE (Feat. HUUN-HUUR-TU & Sergey Starostin & Mikhail Alperin)-1996-Fly Fly My Sadness(Jaro) / folk,bulgarian,russian,tuvian

опубликовал brom2002 21-07-2008, 20:58
Bulgarian Voices - ANGELITE (Feat. HUUN-HUUR-TU & Sergey Starostin & Mikhail Alperin)-1996-Fly Fly My Sadness(Jaro) / folk,bulgarian,russian,tuvianTRacks:
1. Fly, fly my sadness 7:46
2. Legend 7:41
3. Wave 7:23
4. Lonely bird 10:57
5. Mountain story 10:17

The Bulgarian Voices ANGELITE - choir

Nikolai Merdjanow - conductor

Kaigal-ool Khovalyg vocals, igil, chanzy
Anatoly Kuular vocals, byzaanchi, igil
Sayan Bapa vocals, igil

Sergey Starostin vocals

Mikhail Alperin melodica, conductor on

"The story of this project has its own tiny prelude, to my mind a rather mysterious one, which I would like to share: Some time (roughly?) about a year ago, I developed some kind of vision of a family where the father would be from Tuva, the mother Bulgarian, the daughter a Russian, and the son Jewish. The very idea might have been nothing more than a funny whim, but then, all of a sudden, I pictured this family as a musical one, not consisting of professional musicians, but a family where... Then I didn't get any further with my vison. Instead, I startet collecting musical material and writing scores for some non-existing future project. These, then, would be the ingredients of the salad to come: The Bulgarian Women's Choir - "the mother", overtone singers from Tuva - "the father", The Moscow Art Trio, with the Russian soul of Sergei Starostin and my own Jewish melancholy, plus a blues singer of some category or other - the children of the peoples of the world. Luckily, at the time I wasn't about to think of it as a concrete, pre-programmed plan. I was just playing with the idea. That family, however, started to live its own more specific life, even if only on paper. Having spent a week writing out some of the compositions I realized that all of this was just a dream and as dreams have a tendency to dissolve and create disillution I figured I would have to come to terms with that. In my embittered mind, dream and reality seemed to collide head on, until one day the producer, Uli Balss, of JARO, Germany, phoned me unexpec- tedly to suggest that we work on two disks with my Moscow Art Trio and subsequently the "Bulgarian-Tuvan project" of which we had been dreaming, not he, strange as it may seem. Needless to say, I immediatly hurled myself at the task. Some dreams do come true. But in any family problems arose, and some specific ones did show up in "mine". During recording sessions for my disk, PRAYER (with members of a Russian folklore choir - JARO 4193-2) one of the Russian female singers suddenly stopped singing and left the studio as a sign of protest against what she held to be a too radical treatment of folkloristic material. Thus, I knew from that experience that the Bulgarian- Tuvan project would require lengthy and emotionally demanding explana- tions on the phone of concepts unfamiliar to the various participants. And even when the choir finally got their scores, work wasn't necessarily made easier. Unexplored musical ideas kept knocking especially forcefully on the door of the "mothers", who generally tend to prefer what is familiar. The "fathers" in far-away Tuva smoked their tobacco and sipped their vodka, shaking their heads in astonished patience, whereas their Russian "son", following his people's tradition, preferred not to brood too much about the future. Now, a few words about the project itself - about the music you'll hear on this disk. For a long time I had been studying the common denominator of meditative structures in various folkloristic forms of expression, for instance the Russian tradition of lengthy songs with their characteristically brooding melancholy. Actually, a similar mood might be found in Tuvan songs of the steppe, and is also reflected in the the musical landscape of folk songs from the Radopi region in Bulgaria, as well as in many Jewish songs, filled as they are with that very same stillness and affection. That's why, in the beginning, I named the project "Meditation" as a working title - in an attempt to stay away from any "modernization" of folk song themes, but instead unite different folkloristic sources in the vision of a bird's flight.

Should I try to capture in words the essence of what I have tried to do here, I would do so in terms of a small scene that got stuck in my mind: I remember en elderly couple dressed in black on a small island in Greece. They were looking out across the sea, into the distance, motionless, and time stood still. I liked the way our experiment ended. During rehearsals, singers who had never seen each other before and were at first glance utterly remote from each other as far as cultural roots are concerned, began suddenly and spontaneously to perform their forefathers' songs for their "alien" collea- ges, as though discovering this possibility for themselves right then and there. Each began to pick up intonations, modes, and moods of songs stemming from seemingly infinitely distant areas. The family were coming together, getting to know each other as though after centuries of separation. That in itself was enough for me to be satisfied with the final product."

Mikhail Alperin

Комментарии к новости
nikdobry21 июля 2008 22:18
Проблема! Не получается скачать. Вылетаю на главную страницу! :-(
Garik21 июля 2008 22:29
попробуйте http://cyberfiles.info/dl/e51ca8324d1115f77c2f083de950e42e/
Lo_for21 июля 2008 22:47
wassat видать не моё
tigra-uki22 июля 2008 14:30
так как скачать-то? ссылка не работает! дайте музыки! :)))
bvlgaru22 июля 2008 17:08
нічого спільного з Bulgarian не почув.
fuck you!
voronas22 июля 2008 23:32
реальная херня, сдохнуть хочеца при прослушивании
nikdobry23 июля 2008 01:02
Garik, спасибо за отзывчивость! winked
brom200223 июля 2008 07:31
Простите?! Ничего болгарского? Женский Болгарский хор по моему по-Болгарски поёт! И потом стиль пения у хора,по моему,именно болгарский, в конце концов хор то болгарский и учили их в Болгарии исполнять их же национальную песенную традицию!

Говоря херня,что ты подразумеваешь,Музыку плохого качества или же то,что ты эту музыку не понимаешь?
maldoror23 июля 2008 14:14
много лет назад у хороших людей на лондонском лебле 4 AD выходил альбом "Мистическое голоса Болгарии"_наблюдая здесь прямую (может и ошибочно) нить, осмелюсь спросить - у вас его нет случайно?
brom200223 июля 2008 14:17
У меня случайно нет,к сожалению!
alexuzb24 июля 2008 12:26
По больше бы такого фолька и этнического
hilfiger8224 июля 2008 21:57
Спасибо, очень красивая вещь, слушаю постоянно.
Однако, уверен, что вживую эффект был бы совсем другой.
Просто бывал в Болгарии и Старостина в деле не раз видел.
Спасибо большое.
hilfiger8228 июля 2008 22:23
"Le Mystere Voix Des Bulgares" - Женский хор болгарского государственного радио и телевидения.

Айво-Уоттс Рассел, владелец 4AD Records, сам записывал эту пластинку.
Качать тут: ftp://ftp.exchange.lipetsk.ru/incoming/home/ex01788/Le_Mystere_Des_Voix_Bulgares.rar
gunnar svensonn17 мая 2010 14:30
послушайте Штефку. К сожалению , у меня ничего из нее нет. Ее голос звучал в фильме "Христос из Монреаля". Плюс на одном из альбомов группы "MIRIODOR".
Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.
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Лента комментариев
15 ноября 2024 21:08
андрофаги, генетичні людожери. і це доведений науковий факт, не емоції. це є базис. надбудовою до цієї напівзвірячої суті є патологчні брехливість,
9 сентября 2024 21:04
AnShot, Вже побачив, що ти потрапив
1 сентября 2024 08:13
Кина, потрапив.!
31 августа 2024 23:24
AnShot, Не можу вставити сюди нове запрошення. У нашій групі у фейсбуці є посилання у постах, та де купа обкладинок з альбомами які були залиті у
30 августа 2024 14:11
Кина, не пускає чогось
16 августа 2024 22:22