Xorosho » Хорошая Музыка » Department of Eagles «In Ear Park» (2008) Indie/Electronic/Folk/Experimental/Post-Rock

Department of Eagles «In Ear Park» (2008) Indie/Electronic/Folk/Experimental/Post-Rock

опубликовал Zkoxa 8-03-2009, 12:10
Department of Eagles «In Ear Park» (2008) Indie/Electronic/Folk/Experimental/Post-RockDaniel and Fred met in 2000 at NYU when forced to be roommates, and began making music together to pass the time during an uneventful spring semester. They collected samples and turned them into songs using computers and a microphone borrowed from their neighbor Chris Taylor (who, years later would become Daniel’s Grizzly Bear bandmate and DoE’s producer/engineer). The material they wrote during this time became their 2003 debut The Cold Nose, which brought them a small but enthusiastic audience and critical praise.

In 2004 Daniel joined Grizzly Bear, playing guitar, singing, and writing a good portion of their sophomore album, Yellow House not to mention extensive touring. Fred descended deeper into the square existence, holding down a number of jobs and opening a savings account.

Throughout all of this, the two continued writing together whenever possible, resulting in a new batch of songs that comprise In Ear Park, an album that took roughly four years to complete.

About how songs made it to this record, as opposed to a Grizzly Bear one, Daniel says "In Ear Park has been in the making in one form or another for several years now, on and off tour and after work. A lot of these songs felt way too personal to bring to Grizzly Bear-- there's a lot of childhood nostalgia and an emphasis on more concise songwriting. Fred and I had license to try some things that I could never get away with otherwise, but we still went for the lushness and and attention to sonic detail that Chris and I always want out of a recording. I'm excited. "


Комментарии к новости
KostyaS8 марта 2009 23:04
Качайте не пожалеете!!!ай цА-ца!!! wink
Егор Трубниковъ
truba279 марта 2009 10:09
ну смотрите, не дай Бог, пожалею! bully
KostyaS9 марта 2009 13:08
truba27 Ну и как? no
alexuzb11 марта 2009 04:54
Zkoxa, спасибо за альбом и за iFolder, НО... recourse
по русски было бы лучше wink
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15 ноября 2024 21:08
андрофаги, генетичні людожери. і це доведений науковий факт, не емоції. це є базис. надбудовою до цієї напівзвірячої суті є патологчні брехливість,
9 сентября 2024 21:04
AnShot, Вже побачив, що ти потрапив
1 сентября 2024 08:13
Кина, потрапив.!
31 августа 2024 23:24
AnShot, Не можу вставити сюди нове запрошення. У нашій групі у фейсбуці є посилання у постах, та де купа обкладинок з альбомами які були залиті у
30 августа 2024 14:11
Кина, не пускає чогось
16 августа 2024 22:22